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Configuring SendGrid for Autochartist

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  1. Create custom fields
We need the following custom fields added to SendGridyXDqajQ8d1cg6mIE94f-MPD6hDQHSxXzCDm0_E902MBSeJ0dTOdZVGP2yi4yyCRsAobWAzE44nx-SQHXvoI--wlBsss82P5txSEz6cZghgdGgUZhQ8NzT1QzA9hQN9CAe0EV6ihv
Marketing | Custom Fields

  • Autochartist_locale - text field that will contain the language code
  • Autochartist_session - text field that will contain the relevant trading session
  • Autochartist_CorrAlerts - text field that can be any value, when not empty means that customer is subscribed to the correlating alerts
  • Autochartist_HighImpact - text field that can be any value, when not empty means that customer is subscribed to the high impact events email
  • Autochartist_MarketReport - text field that can be any value, when not empty means that customer is subscribed to the market report
  • Autochartist_Top5 - text field that can be any value, when not empty means that customer is subscribed to the top5 email
  • Autochartist_TradeOfTheDay - text field that can be any value, when not empty means that customer is subscribed to the trade of the day email

The Custom fields section should look like this:

  1. Create Segments for the Market Reports
You need to create segments for the market reports based on the locale, session and MarketReport custom fields. For example, here is a segment for the American session for English:
You need to create this type of segment for every combination of language and session.
Use the following text for “session”:
Use the following text for “language”:
ar - Arabic
cs - Czech
da - Danish
de - German
el - Greek
en - English
es - Spanish
fa - Farsi
fi - Finnish
fr- French
he - Hebrew
hu - Hungarian
in - Indonesian
it - Italian
ja - Japanese
ko- Korean
ms - Malay
nl - Dutch
pl - Polish
pt - Portuguese
ru - Russian
ro - Romanian
sk - Slovak
sv - Sweedish
th - Thai
tr - Turkish
vi - Vietnamise
zh-cn - Simplified Chinese
zh-tw - Traditional Chinese

Here is a screenshot of what your list should look like:

  1. Create Segments for the High Impact Events email
You need to create segments for the high impact events based on the locale, session and highImpact custom fields. For example, here is a segment for the European session in Chinese:
Use the same values for “session” and “locale” as you did for the Market Reports segments

  1. Create Segments for the Correlating Alerts email
You need to create segments for the correlating alerts events based on the locale and corralerts custom fields. For example, here is a segment for English:

  1. Create Segments for the Top5 email
You need to create segments for the top5 email based on the locale and top5 custom fields. For example, here is a segment for English:

  1. Create a Segment for the Trade of the day email
You need to create one segment for the trade of the day email. Here is what that segment should look like:

  1. Create some test emails for Autochartist staff in your primary contact list
Create some test email addresses for Autochartist staff in your contact list. IMPORTANT: be sure to complete the custom fields as follows:

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