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Autochartist LaunchPad Installation Guide

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Autochartist LaunchPad

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Here is a video to take you throught the installation process or follow the steps below: 

Installation Video


Step 1: Click the download button above for the LaunchPad Installer:

  • The installer will determine all valid installations of MetaTrader and display them in a list. Tick the check box next to each MT4 platform you wish to install this plugin for. If your MetaTrader platform is NOT listed, please see the Trouble Shooting Section.

Step 2: Follow the instructions in the download wizard. Then click Finish



Once your advisor has been installed, you can (re)start your MetaTrader terminal, and it should be listed in the Navigation window under the Expert Advisor tree node.


Step 3: Click and Drag the LaunchPad onto any chart window.




Step 4: Once dragged onto a chart, first make sure that the use of DLLs is enabled as per the following images (for MT4 and MT5)




Please note: Custom URLs must be configured by Autochartist. Please complete the broker signup form to receive your customised LaunchPad installer. LaunchPad downloads without broker information are set to preselected Autochartist URLs.


If you encounter any errors, please contact

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