How to iFrame Autochartist’s Market News into your website
You can embed the Market News web component directly into your website by IFraming the following URL into the relevant section of your site:
During your onboarding process, our onboarding team provided you with a URL. Simply embed this URL in an <IFrame> tag on your website as follows:
<iframe src="url_from_autochartist"></iframe>
During your onboarding process, our onboarding team provided you with a URL. Simply embed this URL in an <IFrame> tag on your website as follows:<brokerid>&account_type=<account_type>&user=<user>&expire=<expiry>&token=<token>&locale=<locale>&css=<css>
Parameters are as follows:
<brokerid> – the broker id provided to you in the onboarding pack.
<account_type> – This parameter governs whether this report is slightly delayed or not. Valid values are LIVE
<expiry> – Unix timestamp of when this links will expire.
<locale> – Only available in English. Locale = en
<user> – a userid of the person accessing the link.
<token> – md5([UserID]|[Account Type]|[Expiry][Secret Key]). See this article for details.
<layout> – specifies the layout of the component. Valid options include “vertical”, “horizontal” and “inline”.
<css> – The onboarding team will provide a url to a custom css for the style adjustment if applicable (optional parameter). Remove this parameter if not provided by the onboarding team.