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IFraming the News Sentiment web component

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How to iframe Autochartist’s News Sentiment into your website


There are two possible ways of implementing the News Sentiment Component into your website:

  • The first option is where you can embed the News Sentiment web component directly into your website by iFraming the following URL into the relevant section of your site:
During your onboarding process, our onboarding team provided you with a URL. Simply embed this URL in an <iFrame> tag on your website as follows:<iframe src="url_from_autochartist"></iframe>
  • The second option is to create user specific URLs (RECOMMENDED):<theme>&broker_id=<brokerid>&account_type=<account_type>&user=<user>&expire=<expiry>&token=<token>&language=<locale>

Parameters are as follows:
<brokerid> – the broker id provided to you in the onboarding pack.
<account_type> – This parameter governs whether this report is slightly delayed or not. Valid values are LIVE or DEMO
<expiry> – Unix timestamp of when this links will expire.
<locale> – Report display language. Browser language preference will be used if not specified. For example en = English, ru = Russian
<user> – a userid of the person accessing the link.
<token> – md5([UserID]|[Account Type]|[Expiry][Secret Key]). See this article for details.
<theme> - use light or dark


  • The Secret Key component of the <token> parameter is provided to you in your onboarding pack

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